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Conservative National Committee

“E Pluribus Unum Missio”
(Out Of Many, One Mission)

“….Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness….”

                                                   Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

Those powerful and historic words were carved into the consciousness of the American people when the Founding Fathers penned the Declaration of Independence. The Founders understood that governments can sometimes become tyrannical and forget that they must rule WITH THE CONSENT of the governed…we the people.

Based on the unlawful executive actions of a rogue past President (allowing waves of illegal immigrants to flood this nation against our will), recent Supreme Court decisions that gutted the right of Americans to manage their own lives (forced us to accept gay marriage against our will), a totally corrupt Congress (list too long for this page), the increasing number of liberal “Sanctuary Cities” that defy federal laws with impunity and an inept unionized federal work force (IRS, VA, hacked personnel records, etc.) it has become clear to patriots and Conservatives that the time has come to…”alter or abolish” certain parts of the Federal government. Or ignore it.

It is also clear that the current leaders of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of our government have become what our Founders feared: tyrannical, corrupt and out of touch.

We the people, therefore, no longer consent.


In accordance with the unalienable rights granted to us in the Declaration of Independence, the Conservative National Committee (CNC) was formed to press corrective actions as a 50 state team.  This committee urges state conservative parties to operate in accordance with strong conservative values and cooperate with each other to rectify the obvious and glaring failures of the Federal and State governments regarding illegal immigration, taxation, Second Amendment rights, abortion, gay marriage and other important social issues that threaten the the essential character of the United States.

CNC will encourage its member states to actively engage in peaceful political action that rejects candidates and issues that support government mandated rules or regulations on gay marriage, abortion and other Christian moral issues.  SCOTUS has overreached, usurped States Rights as outlined in the Tenth Amendment and has lost its standing on moral and religious issues.

CNC is a union of conservative state committees of the Conservative Party USA that will abide by and preserve traditional American values.

CNC is the political arm of the Conservative Party USA.  It is a coalition of its state party affiliates that will be united to help save America from the moral and social decay that threatens its very existence.

                                               “Conservative Values Matter.”©